NY Debt Collection Litigation: Your Customer Paid You with a Bum Check. How Do You Get Paid?

NY Debt Collection Litigation: Your Customer Paid You with a Bum Check. How Do You Get Paid?Your corporate customer paid you with a check that was returned unpaid because of insufficient funds in their account. Can you do anything more than begin NY debt collection litigation against the corporation for the bum check?

In New York State, you can report the incident to the Attorney General’s office. Based upon our experience, doing so will probably not get you paid. So now you wonder, what more can you do to collect your money?

If the check was tendered as payment for goods sold on a C.O.D. (cash on delivery) basis you can pursue the maker of the check individually. The law in New York State is such that the maker of a check for goods sold C.O.D. can be held individually liable. He or she should have known there were insufficient monies in the account when tendering the check.

You have just increased the probability you will get paid what you are owed. By adding the signer of the check in a lawsuit in addition to the corporate customer you have increased your likelihood of getting paid.

Questions about getting paid or debt collection litigation in New York City, please contact FFGN.

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