Debt Collection Litigation: Can You Bring Your Debt Collection Case in New York Civil Court?

Debt Collection Litigation: Can You Bring Your Debt Collection Case in New York Civil Court?Creditors with claims of $25,000.00 or less file their cases to recover bad debt and pursue debt collection litigation in the New York City Civil Court. The requirement is that one of the parties must reside in the City of New York or the cause of action (the underlying transaction) originated within the City of New York.



Strong benefits of pursuing debt collection litigation in Civil Court include:

  • a simplified litigation process and Court procedures,
  • Court costs and fees that are substantially less than those in Supreme Court,
  • quicker resolution.

If your claim is slightly more than $25,000.00, it may be in your best interest to reduce the amount down to $25,000.00 to enable you to bring your action in Civil Court. Contact FFGN, to learn more about debt collection litigation in New York.

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