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Join Our Webinar on New York’s Consumer Credit Fairness Act

Join Frank, Frank, Goldstein and Nager’s managing partner Jocelyn Nager for webinar on New York’s Consumer Credit Fairness Act. The act, which was signed into by Governor Kathy Hochul in November and largely goes into effect in May, changes rules around consumer debt collection. Some changed, such as the reduction

Best Practices

Force Majeure Clause in Debt Collection

Is it possible to protect your company from extreme events out of your control like COVID-19? If your contracts and agreements have a force majeure clause it may be possible. For the purpose of illustration, let’s use the example of a private school operating in New York during the pandemic.

Debt Collection Mediation

Non-Binding Mediation in Debt Collection

Some creditors voluntarily decide to participate in mediation for debt collection. For others, mediation may be mandatory based on the terms of the underlying agreement between the parties or ordered by the court. As such, it’s important to understand how non-binding mediation can affect your overall debt collection case. One