Letters, emails and billing statements are unilateral communications. When the customer fails to respond in whole or part, a conversation is in order. The call is an opportunity to connect with the customer.
It’s terrific when you reach the client and are able to agree on repayment terms. What happens when you call the client and the call goes to voice mail? Should you leave a message? It may surprise you that the majority of business people ages 25 and younger are not checking their voice mail. If the person responsible for paying you falls within this category or, if you are being ignored, you may want to rethink your strategy of leaving voice mails.
To circumvent the voice mail “trap” we suggest connecting with someone else at the client. Letting them know you are having difficulty connecting with the A/P clerk may facilitate an interoffice message, gaining far more attention than yet another email from you.
For more tips or to collect unpaid receivables contact jnager@ffgnesqs.com or 212-686-0100 ext 12.
This was interesting. I didn’t realize that most business people around the ages of 25 or younger don’t listen to their voicemail. I guess I’m a little abnormal but I think that’s because everyone tells me to check my voicemails. I’d imagine that this would be good to know if you’re woking for debt collection.