Used to demand payment from your customer for goods sold and delivered or services provided, an invoice is the most important document needed to be paid. As a bill for service, an invoice needs to be correct. Incorrect information on the invoice will delay payment from your customer. Collection in house or sending out for NY Debt Collection, invoices matter. Get them right to get paid.
A straightforward example is: ABC Honey Corp. issues purchase orders to buy 3000 glass jars. The jars are sold and delivered to ABC Honey Corp. An invoice is rendered addressed to ABC Corp. rather than ABC
Honey Corp. The invoice received by ABC Honey Corp. is not paid since the customer name is incorrect.
Imagine however that the billing error is not an isolated incident but rather a series of invoices sent over the period of six (6) months to a year or longer.
Even with the utmost care and knowledge, there is a possibility of error. The amounts may be incorrect, a reference number needed to be assigned by the purchaser is missing, supporting documentation not attached as required or more.
Reimbursement of the costs of the goods or services provided as well as the anticipated profits are not being paid because of the errors. If the billing errors affect more than one or two accounts, you may find yourself very short of cash. At a minimum, the delay in receiving payment will cause you to finance the customer purchase rather than reinvesting in your own company.
Whatever the reason, incorrect invoices will harm your chances of getting paid. Since invoices matter, it’s imperative to get them right to get paid.
An invoice must include:
1) The names, physical addresses, email addresses and contact at the parties
- The Seller
- The Buyer
- The Agent, if appropriate
2) The items sold or provided,
3) The date of the sale, delivery or date of services,
4) Shipping terms,
5) Price,
6) Date,
7) An invoice number,
8) Purchase order number,
9) Contract number,
10) Vendor number,
11) Terms of sale,
12) Sales tax, if any,
13) Apply deposits,
14) Balance owed,
15) Anything else required by the client.
Mistakes happen. Sending incorrect invoices does not mean that you cannot pursue the customer for payment and be successful. In fact, many commercial debt collection claims result due to errors in invoicing. If anticipated and addressed in New York Debt Collection efforts and legal debt collection, you should be able to win a judgment entitling you to receive payment from your customer.
If you need help with invoicing or other documents to support your For more information about collecting unpaid invoices or, for help, creating invoices, contact Jocelyn Nager from Frank, Frank, Goldstein & Nager at, 212-686-0100 ext. 12.