

Payday Loans Are Illegal in New York State

When money is tight, some seek out the last resort: a payday loan. These short-term, high-interest cash loans are offered in advance of a paycheck or some other form of cash injection. But the typically massive interest quickly adds up. Critics call these loans predatory and warn that borrowers can


New York Courts to Reopen on Monday for New Filings

New York courts closed on March 16 as the coronavirus spread. During that time, the courts suspended “non-essential” cases, including debt collection matters. Now that infection numbers are falling and restrictions beginning to lift, New York courts are starting to reopen and restore their services. Courts across the state are


When Can I File My New York Debt Collection Case?

If you haven’t been paid, you may be wondering when you can file your New York debt collection case. Unfortunately, the answer is a bit complicated. When New York first went into quarantine, all courts closed except for emergency-based applications. Since then, the upper courts, the 62 counties of the


How the Coronavirus Outbreak Will Affect Debt Collection

No doubt you have already felt the effect of coronavirus on your business. As the virus spreads across the U.S., things are coming to a quick slowdown. Understanding how the coronavirus outbreak will affect your debt collection claims will help manage your expectations of recovery. How the Coronavirus Outbreak Will


New York City Raises Small Claims Court Limit to $10,000

It is easy to navigate the small claims system. In the past, if you were owed $5,000 or less, you could bring your claim to New York City small claims court. There are advantages to taking your claim to small claims court. You represent yourself, so it’s cost-effective. However, whereas it